Tammy Edwards
Owner, Tammy's Table

“Above and beyond is an understatement! The team at Ardento have been amazing! They reviewed my current systems so they could understand and provide the best recommendations to me."

The Challenge

Tammy Edwards is an entrepreneur who is committed to assisting other business owners to take control of their future. Tammy achieves this by providing one-on-one coaching and facilitating business development groups known as Tammys Table.

Tammy approached Ardento with the vision of improving her group meeting and overall membership management. 

  • With too many spreadsheets and manual processes it was becoming increasingly difficult to manage a large membership base who meet monthly at various times and locations.
  • Lack of reporting functionality across the membership base
  • No centralised database of membership information and member goals.

Clearer visibility of membership goals and the overall membership base was a key improvement Tammy was looking for.

The Process

The Ardento team was able to quickly identify key improvements for Tammy to be delivered through an implementation of Zoho CRM.

The key areas of focus for the CRM implementation were - 

  • Contact & Membership Management
  • Monthly meeting membership and attendance
  • Member monthly goal tracking
  • Email workflow and communication automation

The Outcome

Since the adoption of Zoho CRM Tammy has been able to reduce her reliance on manually populated Excel spreadsheets and has begun to build a deep repository of membership data and member activity.

  • Improved data accuracy and integrity
  • Clearer visibility of membership goals
  • Enchanted membership communication
  • Deeper historical membership data
“Above and beyond is an understatement! The team at Ardento have been amazing! They reviewed my current systems so they could understand and provide the best recommendations to me. They questioned my future business vision so we could develop a system to prepare for this and they have built a CRM tailored to my needs. They were responsive, patient, informative and attentive. I am so excited about the efficiencies this will create for my business. I will be recommending Ardento to all of my clients.”

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