Paula Wait
Business Systems Manager, PBC Expo

"I would highly recommend Zoho and Ardento. The combination has greatly assisted us to explore Zoho and make the most use of our subscription." 

The Challenge

Established in 1991, The Pregnancy, Babies & Children's Expo is Australia’s biggest and the world’s longest-running early parenting event. In 2020 when COVID struck the world and the event industry came to a halt, PBC Expo decided to strengthen its existing infrastructure and update its legacy systems to achieve increased data accuracy within the company.

  • Struggled to manage client data across multiple systems
  • Manual processes slowed down PBC sales team & limited their ability to analyze data
  • Legacy systems lacked customisation and integration capabilities

The Process

The Ardento team quickly worked with PBC to identify the requirements they needed in their new system, and organised a powerful, efficient Zoho software solution.

  • Implemented Zoho One, a suite of integrated business applications
  • Automated lead capture and nurturing with Zoho Forms and CRM mobile app
  • Set up workflow rules to automate repetitive tasks
  • Integrated Zoho CRM with Zoho Analytics for real-time data insights and reporting

The Outcome

Since the PBC has quickly adopted their new Zoho software, they have found enormous benefits to their ongoing operations. Not only have they improved the information and data available to their sales team, but they’ve saved on costs with a single, efficient platform.

  • Improved data accuracy and integrity across all departments
  • Increased efficiency with automated tasks and streamlined communication
  • Gained valuable business intelligence for data-driven decision making
  • Reduced reporting time from weeks to hours
  • Enhanced communication and client relationship management
"We have certainly saved a lot financially after using Zoho. Moving to a more streamlined and comprehensive tool has saved us from spending on multiple vendors, which would otherwise have resulted in exponential cost increase"

Simplify & Supercharge your Business with Zoho

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